Saturday, May 30, 2020

Smoking and Lung Cancer - Free Essay Example

Sometimes long term smoking, has long term has long term effects on your body. Including Lung cancer and other horrible illnesses. Sometimes you could get Lung Cancer and other times you could even die. Which is why you should be prepared. In order to, you should know : The Respiratory System is affected by Lung Cancer, How is it affected, the long term effects, and the short term effects. First of all, the Respiratory System is the target of Lung Cancer and smoking. The Respiratory System includes : the mouth, nose, nasal passages, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli lungs, and diaphragm. Honestly, the list is long. As you know, the Respiratory System is the system we use to breathe. The breathing system makes sure we have oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide. The cilia make sure that no mucus, dirt, or dust, are in the breathing system and protect the lungs from damage. The larynx is our voice box makes the sounds we use to speak. The trachea is the main air passageway that becomes the bronchi. The bronchi are split trachea air passageways that deliver air to the lungs. All these are lined with cilia. Second of all, you hurt your Respiratory System by smoking. Smoking travels through the mouth down all your airways. It neutralizes your cilia and it stops working for a while. This means smoking ruins your air in general. Without the cilia functioning, mucus, bacteria and dust are no longer removed from the breathing system. This increases your chance of an infection. You can also get chronic bronchitis, which is where the smoke disturbs bronchi lining. The lining will be infected and will swell. This can either create often chest pains, breath shortness or both. The smoke can also break down the alveoli lining. The chemicals from smoking can also create changes in some cells nucleus. This is Lung Cancer. Interactive resources for schools. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2018, from Long term effects are harmful and, well, long term. Some are chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. Emphysema is when black and sticky chemicals enter the alveoli and sort of disfunction it. All the structure breaks down and there are fewer, larger, air sacs. Interactive resources for schools. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2018, from Emphysema can ultimately lead to death. Chronic bronchitis, like I said before, is where the smoke disturbs the bronchi lining. It swells and becomes infected. Chest pains and breath shortness last for weeks and maybe months. Short term effects are just as harmful, maybe a little less deadly than long term effects. Some are wheezing, coughing up blood, pneumonia, bronchitis. Most short term effects are very irritating and can possibly lead to death in the future. But its most likely that the cancer will do that for it. Your face or neck can swell and you can get sick very easily. You can also have pain in shoulder, back, and upper torso area. Weight loss and loss of appetite are also very common as well. Sometimes long term smoking, has long term has horrible effects on your body. Including Lung cancer and other horrible illnesses or diseases. Sometimes you could get Lung Cancer and survive and other times you could die . Which is why you should be prepared. In order to, you should know : The Respiratory System is affected by Lung Cancer, How is it affected, the long term effects, and the short term effects.

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